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About me

Hsu Yadanar Win

Machine Learning and NLP Researcher

Hello everyone! I am Hsu. I completed both bachelor and master degrees from University of Information Technology (UIT), Yangon and currently working as machine learning and data operation engineer in Natural Language Processing field. As research interest, I am interested in NLP and Image Processing fields and did some researches as master thesis. As hobbies, I like travelling and spend my leisure by playing with pets and watching tv.


Bachelor of Computer Science
(Knowledge Engineering)

University of Information Technology, Myanmar
2012 December – 2017 September

Master of Computer Science
(Knowledge Engineering)

University of Information Technology, Myanmar
2018 January – 2019 September


Implementation of Myanmar Handwritten Recognition

Hsu Yadanar Win and Thinn Thinn Wai, 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Optimatization (ICO), 2019



Rule-based Medical Expert System
Hotel Reservation System
Developement of Myanmar Lexicon
Myanmar Handwritten Recognition System
Topic Tagging on Social Media
Sentiment Analysis on Social Media